Monthly Archives: December 2012

Show Up, Pariahs

Tonight in Baltimore, about 40 people gathered at the foot of the Washington Monument in Mt. Vernon, Baltimore’s Gayborhood. Activist Meredith Moise and the Baltimore Guardian Angels organized  the gathering to condemn anti-gay violence in response to the beating of Kenni Shaw, a gay man,  in East Baltimore on Christmas Day. This is what the men […]

Intersectionality Has Its Limitations

Why is it that heterosexual third-wave feminists understand “intersectionality” when it comes to everyone except Lesbians? You know, Lesbians? Your sisters? Your sisters who love other Women (and by Women, I mean Women – not Trans Women). A friend alerted me to a discussion on the Guerrilla Feminism Facebook page, run by a Woman named […]

It’s the Same Male Violence

“I don’t believe rape is inevitable or natural. If I did, I would have no reason to be here. If I did, my political practice would be different than it is. Have you ever wondered why we [women] are not just in armed combat against you? It’s not because there’s a shortage of kitchen knives […]

A Trans Man Walks Into A Man’s Spa…Have You Heard This One Before?

Meet Levi Pine. Levi is a trans man who lives in Chicago and does union organizing. He seems like a good person. And he’s not trying to invade women-only space, even though I’d welcome him (as he’s actually Female). It’s Levi’s “actual Femaleness” that led Levi to cross my desk. The Windy City Times reports […]

Cisterhood is Powerful

I need to be honest with you, Internet. I am completely bored by the conversation about your gender, your gender identity, your gender expression. I find the endless selfies and YouTube introductory videos disturbing and evidence of a nation in the grips of a narcissistic delusion. I am weary of the hyperbole that any trans-critical […]